Kamis, 20 September 2012

The Obesity

      Obesity is not good for our heatlh. Because the obesity is some dangerous disease. Since people suffer from obesity easy diseases. Obesity can strike anyone. Obesity highly dangerous because this disease easily bring certain diseases to our body. 
       Among those diseases is diabetes and of coronary heart disease. Treatment also is not easy, and obesity also can bring death. Currently, obesity not only attack adults but, children and pregnant mothers can also suffered this. If children have suffered obesity, then his weight will hard can't even lowered. Was caused while pregnant mother did not keep pattern his dinner. 
       Friends, all right we won't right if we suffered from obesity? Therefore from now on we must keep our diet. If it is not too hungry, then not to eat. We also not too much consume makanan-makanan mild. For out of it in the seedlings penaikan weight incurred. Okay, we must be healthy living start now.